Stargate Conspiracy: Ancient Egypt, Military Intelligence & ETs

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3 years

Since the 1990s, huge changes have occurred in our understanding of the origins of Egyptian civilization, particularly in connection with the monuments of Giza. From Robert Bauval’s Orion Correlation Theory to the redating of the Great Sphinx by John Anthony West and Dr Robert Schoch, along with the antics of Dr Zahi Hawass in the search for the Hall of Records, to the publication of international bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock. But what has really changed? Do these theories still hold true today, and what was the source behind these great discoveries in the first place? The answers to these questions are, incredibly, bound up with psychic communications that began in the 1950s, and continued through till the 1990s and beyond. The source of these comminications was allegedly an ETI calling itself the Nine (reflecting the Ennead, or Nine gods of ancient Egypt). It began outlining a plan for future first contact involving remote viewing, the monuments of Giza and the revealing of future technologies and ideas in science. The impact of these communications, whatever their true nature, reached the highest echelons of society, finding influence within NASA, JPL, and even within the Star Trek TV series created by Gene Roddenberry. It is story told by Lynn and Clive in their bestselling book The Stargate Conspiracy, published originally in 1999 and recently updated for a new audience. They brings the Origins 2017 audience the entire story and show how these communications are still having an impact today. Plus they review the current situation regarding activities on the plateau at Giza.

Filmed at the Origins Conference in London in November 2017.Â