Beyond the Conspiracy, Unmasking the Invisible World Government, The Committee of 300, John Coleman (2007)

17 years

This is Dr. John Coleman's explosive book Beyond the Conspiracy - Unmasking the Invisible World Government, the Committee of 300 (2007) which is an account of the master plan of the One World Government that was disclosed to participants of the misnamed Interreligious Peace Colloquim held at Bellago, Italy in 1972. The misnamed master peace plan was put into action in Yugoslavia for the first time in order to destroy it as a nation state. Therefore, the greater part of this book is about what happened there, because it was a "role model" for future actions. Based upon what was learned from the conquest of Yugoslavia, the opinion of conspiracy watchers is that the plan that toppled Milosevic is the way future recalcitrant governments will be brought to heel. Thus, a detailed study of the methodology and strategic employed to destroy Yugoslavia completed in recent years is of the utmost importance. It has been commented on many times during the course of history that the average person in most countries has little or no time to spare to think beyond making a living, raising a family and holding down a job to make these objectives possible. This leaves little or no time to attend to politics or matters of economics or other vital issues, such as war and peace that affect their lives and the life of the nation. Governments know this. So it seems do highly organized groups operating behind many different front organizations which always have the edge over the citizenry. What the average individual does not know - and will probably never know - is that all great historical events are planned in secret by men in total privacy. Such a group were the men of the English East India Company, whose antecedents sprang from the Catharis, the Bogomils, and the Albigensians who had originated from Manichean Babylon, and who went on to become the controllers of not only England, but of the whole world. It has been the experience throughout recorded history that one of the common denominators is man’s desire to control. No matter what societal structure is examined, there are always a group of certain individuals, in whom the need to control is paramount and who form themselves into secret societies. Anyone who seeks to expose these societies is himself in danger. This is one of the reasons why the Committee of 300 has been so successful in concealing its existence from the broad mass of people, so much so that they are now willing to move beyond the conspiracy into the open. Apparently, a small number of researchers felt that there had to be some kind of an upper-echelon coordinating, controlling body, that oversees and coordinates the activities of the "local level" agencies, of which the Federal Reserve Banks is but one of many. They were generally lumped together under the title "secret societies." Beyond the Conspiracy goes beyond the conspiracy and opens the doors to how mankind is really governed and by whom. A must read for everyone.