David Paulides discusses hiking gear, reads a story and discusses the German connection.

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3 years

David presents the proper equipment to carry in a daypack.
He reads a story from Australia that deals with a disappearance and
a thunderstorm.
CanAm's research has uncovered an association between the disappearance of physicists and Germans. Mr. Paulides reads a letter from a retired RCMP officer explaining his concerns about a series of German visitors that disappeared.
David's Missing person website: https://www.canammissing.com/page/page/8396197.htm
Missing 411( First Movie- starring Les Stroud):https://vimeo.com/ondemand/missing411
Missing 411- The Hunted: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/missing411thehunted
Purchase DVD of either movie: https://www.canammissing.com/missing-411--the-hunted.html
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Our sister site store for Missing 411 books, , etc:
Missing Person website: https://www.canammissing.com/page/page/8396197.htm
Twitter: Davidpaulides@canammissing
Email: Missing411@yahoo.com
Missing 411 (Our first movie)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEA9-mEOZtA&t=848s