Fmr FBI Bureau Chief Ted Gunderson has A LOT TO SAY

TedGunderson Photo

3 years

MAR 2002 - Freedom Law School's - 2002 Freedom Rally in Newport Beach, CA
For this man, his discovery of the DS started when he was asked, as an FBI agent, to look into a case of an innocent man who had been wrongly convicted of killing his wife and 2 kids in Fort Brag, NC - Green Beret Dr. Jeffery MacDonald - on FEB 1`7, 1970.
His investigation turned up the real killer, from whom he got a signed confession, among a lot other evidence and 2 FBI agents who lied in their testimony. He brought it to the presiding judge and he was ignored, AND Gunderson became the victim of an extreme and widespread smear campaign.
Listening to this man, it is clear he is a fine man, loves his country, and saw way too much to not tell others.