Mind Wars - Marie D Jones

MKUltraRoadShow Photo

3 years

From the dawn of humanity, the desire to control the thoughts, behaviors, and actions of others has been a pervasive one. From the use of coercive persuasion by ancient Egyptians and the Knights Templar to today's claims of electronic harassment and microwave "bombing," we have always been at the mercy of those who wish to reprogram our thoughts and reshape our beliefs.

Mind Wars includes fascinating stories of:

  • Ancient attempts at mind control using spell casting, potions, and rituals.
  • Cults and the use of mental reprogramming.
  • More modern mind-control techniques, from hypnosis, drugs, and electroshock to radiation and psychic driving.
  • The inside story of the quest for a real Manchurian Candidate--MKUltra and the CIA connection.
  • The brave new world of electronic harassment, "voice to skull" technology, and gang-stalking.