IllumiNAZI 9/11 paving way to NDAA

Truthtide Photo

2 years

Edited description as of 10. April 2019:
Look, there are many faults in this video and people (like Jordan Maxwell) who I wouldn't touch wit a 10 feet pole today, but little did I know when I uploaded this at the time. This video mentions nothing on the biblical proven role of the roman catholic church in the storyline, so we need to use our discernment on that part. Still this is a valuable video where I do not understand why YT put an age restriction on...
Original description:
Considering we slide into WWIII right now, this film is more up to date than ever.
Who benefits from this atrocity? Islam? Israel? Or is it those who wish to establish a NEW WORLD ORDER on the smoldering ashes of American Sovereignty?
There's been a greater assault on our Bill of Rights in the past 120 days than in the past 200 years. Who'll call for a police state? Who'll call for martial law? Who'll call for national ID cards to give us "security?" It won't be Bin Laden. Are we watching the Nazi-ization of our true nation?
In this 86 -- minute volcanic video, former FBI chief agent Ted Gunderson blows the lid off the "FBLies" involvement in the 1993 Trade Center bombing. THEY SET IT UP! Illuminati historian Jordan Maxwell, publisher Clayton Douglas at The Free American, Gunderson and Anthony J. Hilder are calling the attack at the U.S. an "inside job." America has been suckered one more time. This video will shake and shock you into a reality check.
"You're right! We are witnessing the Nazi-ization of this Nation. More Rights & Freedoms have been lost in the last 120 days through Executive Orders & our cowardly Congress than were lost in the past 200 years. Illuminazi 9-11 tells it all in clear, precise terms. This is the beginning of World War III. Make no mistake about it."
- Gary Richard Arnold, Forum Republican, Congressional Candidate

Do you know the history of the word NAZI?
Eustace Mullins explains it: Just combine NAtional Socialism with ZIonism. Discover the financiers of Hitler from the 1920 s on and you'll see this history through different eyes.
Eustace Mullins explains connection between the
NAtional socialists and ZIonists. The result is a NAZI Party
which rules the world today....

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