Magnet Meat: Magnetogenetics?

VeritasWorldNews Photo

3 years

The latest freak-out is not just about how vaccine injection sites are magnetized but how raw meat from your local grocery store is also magnetized.


With all of the videos of vaccinated people becoming magnetized coinciding with all the videos about the evil spike proteins in the vaccine, this has led some to assume that the Globalists are now lacing the meat with the dread spike proteins.


In a time where nothing makes sense, the fear is that these lunatics who are so desperate to inject you with mRNA for a flu that has a 99% recovery rate aren't getting enough volunteers, so they're dumping this crap into the food supply. They need us all to get jacked into the Matrix of their Human Brain/Cloud Interface.


I have no explanation for what is happening with the meat in this video. 


What is known is that scientists have been working to imbue living cells with magnetic properties in order to externally manipulate cellular activities using magnetic fields. In 2019, researchers successfully engineered genetically-encoded protein crystals that can generate magnetic forces.


Ferritin is a natural iron-storage protein which can self-assemble into a "cage" that holds as many as 4,500 iron atoms but the magnetic forces generated are too small for practical applications. Chinese researcher, Bianxiao Cui combined the iron-binding ability of ferritin with the self-assembly properties of another protein, called Inkabox-PAK4cat, which forms huge, spindle-shaped crystals inside cells.


Cui fused genes encoding ferritin and Inkabox-PAK4cat and expressed the new protein in human cells in a petri dish. In three days, the resulting crystals grew to about 45 microns in length (or about half the diameter of a human hair), without killing the host cells. These protein crystals are attracted to an applied magnetic field and move toward magnets even while embedded within living cells.


The science of magnetogenetics is still in its infancy but these studies demonstrate the feasibility of engineering protein assemblies for magnetic sensing. Because Dr Cui used human cells to genetically engineer his magnetic protein crystals, the transhumanist intent of this research is a given.