The USA has fallen - Communist Commissions for Continued Coups - Thought Crimes and Pre Crime

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2 years
Communism and Chaos here we come!
Truth Overcomes: God Wins
George Orwell's 1984 Has Become A Blueprint For Our
Dystopian Reality – Wrong think and Unpersons!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will announce this week whether she
will create a select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S.
Capitol, her spokesman said.
Pelosi says Liz Cheney will serve on committee that will
investigate January 6 insurrection
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday she
was appointing Republican Rep. Liz Cheney to the new select
committee to investigate the January 6 attack on the US
"We are very honored and proud she has agreed to serve on
the committee," Pelosi said at a news conference on
Pelosi said the chairman of the committee will be Rep.
Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat who serves as
chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and
led the Democratic effort to try and get a bipartisan
commission to pass through Congress. Other members
include Democratic Reps. Zoe Lofgren, of California; Adam
Schiff, of California; Pete Aguilar, of California; Stephanie
Murphy, of Florida; Jamie Raskin, of Maryland; and Elaine
Luria of Virginia.
Who Is A "Terrorist" In Biden's America?
Authored by Whitney Webb via TheLastAmerican Vagabond dot com,
Far from being a war against “white supremacy,” the Biden
administration’s new “domestic terror” strategy clearly targets
primarily those who oppose US government overreach and those
who oppose capitalism and/or globalization.
New York Times writer and “1619 Project” creator Nikole Hannah-
Jones said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Velshi” that parents’ concerns over
Critical Race Theory were a “Republican strategy” to suppress “the
racist past of this country.”
Jill Biden Tells Vogue People Can ‘Breathe Again’ with
Trump Out of Office: Joe ‘Healed This Nation’
First Lady Jill Biden — who is featured on the August cover
of Vogue after the fashion magazine broke a decades-long
tradition by snubbing former First Lady Melania Trump
during her four years in the White House — says people can
“breathe again,” now that former President Donald Trump is
out of office. Mrs. Biden said President Joe Biden came in
and “heal[ed] this nation.”
In Joe Biden’s America, Whites are the enemy
(Natural News) What are those silly white people so nervous
about? Republicans are in a panic over critical race theory!
They’re afraid of things they don’t understand! Don’t they
know that racism against whites, according to our phonybaloney
definition of racism, is a logical impossibility?
We’re hearing a lot of talk like this these days. The Left is in a
huff that Americans have started to notice the nonsense story
we are constantly fed about race in America is precisely
backwards. While we are told we live under “white
supremacy,” dehumanizing, anti-white racism is increasingly
pervasive in American life. It’s in schools across the country,
where white children are indoctrinated to hate themselves
because of their skin color. Corporations subject their workers
to ritual humiliation about “whiteness” and what must be
done to purge themselves, and society, of this evil. The
federal government, under Joe Biden, is prosecuting a new
draconian “war on extremism” that is, in reality, a shot across
the bow at recalcitrant whites who refuse to accept this as normal and good.
Here come the SUPER COOF ... Be Afraid Really Afraid!
if people would actually look at the data, they'd
realize that the Delta variant is actually less deadly. These
headlines are able to gain momentum only because of the
absurd public perception that somehow India got hit worse
than the rest of the world. In reality, India has one-seventh the
death rate per capita of the U.S.; it's just that India got the
major winter wave later, when the Western countries were
largely done with it, thereby giving the illusion that India
somehow suffered worse. Now, the public health Nazis are
transferring their first big lie about what happened in India
back to the Western world.
American universities no different from BRAINWASHING in
North Korea, says defector. The Brainwashing is Anti-White there as well!
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#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals
#MakeAmericaSafeAgain #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#USA #WhiteAmerica #ItsOkayToBeWhite #WhiteRights #WhiteHistory #WhiteCulture #LetMyPeopleGo #USAPrisonHouse #GULAGUSA #LockDownUSA #GreatReset #GreatReplacement #ReplacementImmingration #ProWhite