Kincora Boys Home - VIP paedophile ring - Richard Kerr Pt. 1

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3 years

Former intelligence officer Brian Gemmell tried to blow the whistle on Kincora in 1975, but he was ordered to "stop digging and forget about it". He is now positive that Kincora is part of a cover up - there are good people working in the establishment too, but unfortunately they are typically quashed.
Another Channel4 report about Kincora:

Kincora Boys Home - VIP paedophile ring - C. Massey, G. Hoy & R. Kerr (Channel4 - 2/2)


UK Parliament infested with Paedophiles, even Mainstream has to admit:

Nightmares at Elm Guest House (UK):

Nightmares at Elm Guest House (Bill Maloney, 2013)