Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet

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3 years

According to Lipton, there is compelling evidence that biomechanical mechanisms facilitate the phenomenon of mind over matter.  The notion that we can influence the actions of our bodies through our attitudes, emotions, and belief systems goes back to the moment the first third-eye blinked, but up until now, the proponents of those notions have been metaphysicians rather than scientists.

Now, Lipton says, there is hard scientific data challenging the genetic paradigm which states that cells are closed architectural units; that we are who we are because of the DNA in our cell nuclei; and that our future is dictated in part because of the genetic makeup of our ancestors. Not so, Lipton believes. He says that the cell membrane is where the consciousness resides – that here on the outer boundary is where the self and not-self come together for a magical interaction.

At this point in his lectures, Lipton turns to the chalkboard to diagram the makeup of cell membranes.  He first explains that every cell is microcosm of the larger organism. Apparently, there are 75 trillion of these self-contained copies of our selves running around in our bodies, each with its own digestive, excretory and reproductive system.  Instead of each cell dedicated to a singular function – say, a liver cell created as part of a liver – Lipton says that all cells are “robotic” – in other words, blank computer disks ready for programming.

A cell is programmed to respond in a certain way beginning in infancy or even before birth, but it can be reprogrammed to act differently.  It is the dynamic of the membrane receiving the information, processing it and sending it to the cell for action that determines the behaviour of the cell – not any inherent, fixed programming. Lipton scoffs at the assumption the “cancer runs in the family”.  There is no cancer gene, he insists.  Cells go cancerous when told to do so.

By correcting the thinking, we can correct the disease, Lipton continues.  We can heal ourselves by changing our beliefs.