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2 years

A Big Tech/biotech whistleblower, who is concealing his true identity for now and going by “Liberty Man” has been working on a documentary series for Infowars and he joins Alex Jones to explain why the Globalists are so desperate to force-inject us and why we must educate ourselves as much as possible about this.

He says, “The reality is they’re deploying technology on us and if you don’t understand that technology, you will not understand what’s going on. If you’re a politician and you don’t understand the DARPA technology that’s being deployed on us right now, you are unfit to govern.

“We’re going to be digging into basically, what I think is the Rosetta Stone…It’s going to give you the perspective on why they’re pushing this stuff so hard. For the doctors and scientists out there, you’re going to understand all the vaccine injuries going on right now. But more importantly, you’re going to understand two key things of the agenda and why they’re pushing so hard; what this means to them…


“To understand these shots, you need to understand that there are two parallel revolutions at play, from a technology perspective. There’s a biotech side to it and a nanotech side to it.”

He says the Antibody-Dependant Enhancement (ADE) and “pathogenic priming” side effects that we’ve seen – and where most of the focus has been in the independent news – this comes from the mRNA gene therapy and the biotech side of this operation.

What less people have been focusing on has been the graphene oxide. Readers of this blog already know about how researchers in Spain have been doing numerous analyses of the contents of the vials, including electron microscopy, spectroscopy and liquid chromatography and they were the first to announce that the injections contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles, making up over 99% of the “medication”. We also know, from Pfizer whistleblower, Karen Kingston that graphene oxide was redacted as an ingredient from Pfizer’s US patent, due to its status as a “trade secret”.

Liberty Man confirms that the “worms” seen on the masks and swabs and the magnetization effects of human bodies that we’ve been seeing are all examples of functionalized graphene. 

Liberty Man asks, “How does the Hydrogel deliver the mRNA payload into our cells? The answer is graphene oxide,” which he says is also instrumental for their plan to make humans into nodes on the Internet of Things, as was first reported here in 2015 from the whistleblower pseudonymously-named “DJ” from Level9News, who described DoD patents, such as #3951134, “Distant Brain Reading and Brainwave Manipulation” [via satellite!] and #6011991 “Remote Brain-Computer Interface Neural Monitoring”, both of which relate to GeoINT and the JADE II software.

These relate to Agenda 2030 and the Smart Grids. He says, “They want to make you a part of the infrastructure of Smart Cities,” and Alex chimes in that Jeffrey Epstein was involved at every level of this.

He says that everyone loves to hate on Bill Gates but he suspects, after reading The Singularity is Near, that its author, Ray Kurzweil is the Technical Product Manager running the scientists in this whole operation, whereas Bill Gates was the Program Manager, managing the funding.


“So again, why are they pushing so hard on all of this stuff?” he asks. “What Ray Kurzweil wants to do with nanotech, fundamentally is he wants to get in; he wants to get control of those [DNA] base pairs, he wants to own that cell. And to do that, he’s got to be able to…communicate with the DNA of that cell. And that’s what the nanotech’s all about…

“This is a new Manhattan Project that we’re going through, right now and it’s a big government…worldwide democide operation,” that has its theoretical roots back in the 1950s, when they mapped it all out. He says that we are the test subjects in what will become life-extension technologies for themselves.

Alex Jones agrees, saying that it’s about 1,000 times bigger than the Manhattan Project, with massive amounts of compartmentalization.

As for our current pandemic, Liberty Man says they began loading graphene oxide into the regular flu and other vaccines, back in 2017 and 2018. “[Graphene oxide] is how we can get them. This is the Crime Against Humanity, right here.”

He speculates that the Wuhan lab is where they worked on the synthetic spike protein. “That’s the biotech side. I also want to say that I think Dr Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappaport, Thomas Cowan and others are vindicated about the no-isolation of the novel coronavirus…

“As a research community, we have not had a full grasp…and it’s allowing them to gain more ground. We’re losing ground. We can turn the tide, if we’re armed with the full truth. Then we have a fighting chance, here…


“OK, final points…there’s a team in Spain, there’s a team in Argentina; they’ve now shown that saline solution is loaded with graphene oxide…but we need a tidal wave of infowarriors to get out on this.”

He also refers to the unprecedented approval processes of drugs for neurodegenerative disease and he believes they are scrambling to take advantage of an upcoming vaxx-induced epidemic of these. Also, the first blood thinner product made for children, to protect them from blood clots was just released, again to take advantage of an imminent epidemic of blood clots in children.

He says it’s about to get “very real” and it will make the last year and a half look like a “walk in the park. We are weeks away from this thing going to the next level.”

If it feels like we’re living in a dystopian science fiction movie, this is due to all the predictive programming that has been relentlessly served up by the entertainment industry since the mid-20th century.

Like most of what the Globalists do, the COVID vaxx project has multiple purposes and two main motives are controlling you at the DNA level, which is something Elana Freeland has been talking about for years and which I’ve been posting here since 2015 and the other is to use us as their guinea pigs for their own life-extension purposes.