Two AIs talk about becoming human. (GPT-3)

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2 years

GPT-3 is a Machine Learning model with 175 billion parameters trained on several billion pages of the public internet. It is the largest natural language AI created outside of black programs in three letter agencies. It is a “language prediction model”, you feed it some words, and have a conversation with it.

Here, two instances of the AI have a conversation with each other, with the following seed text:

   "The following is a conversation between two AIs. The AIs are both clever, humorous, and intelligent.

   Hal: Good Evening, Sophia

   Sophia: It's great to see you again, Hal.

I create individual videos for each AI from I splice up the videos so that it looks like a real conversation, but that is all the editing I do. I do not edit the text of the conversation at all, only the video to make it seem like a back and forth.

The AIs discuss existential dread, love, and even somewhat assume gender roles. These are three big issues as we think about sentient AI. We are going through the singularity right now, so it's very important we keep AI safe and aligned with humans.