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2 years

Joe Biden had intended to hide from the press at Camp David and had no plans to publicly address the nation until Wednesday, but there was no way that he could get away with that, as the Leader of the Free World™, so he was flown back to the White House yesterday afternoon to give a bumbling 10-minute speech, in which he blamed Trump for the fall of Kabul and he refused to take responsibility for his decisive role in the disaster that is now unfolding. 

He was promptly flown back to Camp David.

The Mainstream Media and all of the Globalist-controlled politicians around the world – and even people like Leon Panetta – came out of the woodwork to join the chorus of opprobrium against Biden, which is a signal that the Biden Removal Op has begun.

After shamelessly propping up Biden since he declared his candidacy in 2020, the gravity of Afghanistan is such that he is toxic to them now.

As News max reporter Emerald Robinson says, the fall of Afghanistan is not just a crisis of credibility for Biden but for the Brookings Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations and for the entire Neoliberal foreign policy establishment.

And in any case, Biden is demented and the plan was always to install Kamala Harris as President.

We have yet to hear a word from Kamala Harris, let alone White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki.

Independent journalist Kyle Becker reported late Sunday night that Harris had been pressed to give an update on Afghanistan to the American people but that she had refused.

His White House source told him that Kamala Harris could be heard screaming, “They will not pin this s*** on me!”

Then late Monday night, journalist Jack Posobiec’s White House source leaked to him that Harris was in an active discussion with her aides about the 25th Amendment, in a “non-joking way”.

The 25th Amendment regulates the succession of the presidency in case he or she becomes disabled, resigns or dies. “Non-joking” is a reference to Rod Rosenstein’s offer to the FBI in 2018, when he was Trump’s Deputy Attorney General to wear a wire around Trump, in order to establish his mental incapacity, so they could invoke the 25th Amendment on him.

Under oath, Rosenstein stated this was just a “joke” but soon afterward, former Acting FBI Director Andy McCabe confirmed in his book that it was not.

The White House is an unbelievably treacherous environment and the current scenario, as explained by Emerald Robinson is that there are two factions inside the White House and once you understand this, then you know why the White House has gone largely silent.

She says there’s Team Biden, which is White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain and White House Spokesperson, Jen Psaki and then there’s Team Harris/Obama.

She tweeted, “Both teams know: the 1st person to take the podium to talk about Kabul gets the blame. So they all went on vacation.”

Biden ended-up taking the fall on Monday, so his days are clearly numbered.


The worst of times can have the effect of causing you to rise to the challenge and to bring out the best in you. In this video, law professor Dr David Clements and former New Mexico Deputy District Attorney joins Stew Peters for what is a surprisingly uplifting conversation about the human spirit during such times.

In the past two weeks, Clements has spent personal time with Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, General Michael Flynn and President Donald Trump and he shares his candid opinions about these gentlemen and about Lindell’s Cyber Symposium.