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3 years
Recorded a few months ago for those who would like these recommendations - I decided to make this video because people have been asking me about antioxidants. And although it's late, I think it's important to record it. It's a must-see video, especially for La Quinta Columna's followers who are aware of the relevance of graphene oxide from a disturbing point of view, as it causes the fashionable disease pictures.
Thanks to scientific articles we have seen, we know that every antioxidant, especially the master antioxidant glutathione, degrades graphene oxide. Glutathione can reduce even to zero its toxicity. And we have demonstrated that. We have proven it empirically through people who presented their own or acquired magnetism after the 'invasion' of graphene oxide through the inoculated pathway, through the vaccine, or other routes of administration. So, as you know, within the antioxidants that degrade graphene oxide and allows the recovery of the balance in favor of our glutathione reserves and antioxidants in general concerning the oxidative stress caused by the toxic graphene oxide, we have glutathione, logically.
I'm going to show you what I have in my home, and which in my opinion are great since there's evidence based on the scientific articles we have seen. These are food supplements without any medical contraindications, as long as you take the doses that appear on the package insert. And they don't even have a prescription. They don't have any. However, it's advisable that the particular conditions of each person, intrinsic variables of the individual, consult with your doctor pharmacist. Okay?
First of all, regardless of the brand, 750 mg NAC is good. Its most common format is 600 mg. N-acetylcysteine causes the body to secrete glutathione endogenously. For me, it's the most effective antioxidant. Take one capsule in the morning as a preventive treatment. People who're going through a more serious clinical condition will have to consult the dosage first. However, take one capsule in the morning. That's how it should be taken. Almost everything we're going to see here is taken in the morning. The reason is that after gastric emptying or fasting, everything that first enters the body is absorbed quite better. This is a rule in all types of supplementation lines. N-acetylcysteine is a must.
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