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2 years

This audio recording of a October 2018 phone call between Greg Penner, Chairman of the Board of the Walmart Corporation and Hunter Biden was found in the latter’s “Laptop from Hell”.

The two were classmates at Georgetown University, graduating in 1992.

They discuss “pulling the trigger” to influence the 2020 election, to stop President Trump and the Trump movement, as well as influencing the Democratic primary.

Hunter says, “The overall objective here is to stop, not only Donald Trump, but to stem the tide of what Donald Trump represents in the political process for the future of this country, which, to me is way more dangerous than I ever thought it could be.”

As CD Media reports, the Laptop from Hell contains emails, in which:

“A. RHB [Robert Hunter Biden] asked to discuss a confidential matter with Penner, stating “That’s best not to be done by text or email.” (11 August 2017)

“B. In a solicitation email Greg Penner asks RHB to “…visit with you about some options I’ve been working on for the 2020 election…” (6 April 2018)

“RHB Laptop contains SMS text between Greg Penner and RHB (16 March 2019) with RHB stating:

“He is available tomorrow after 4pm EST if you are. He looks forward to speaking and would gladly meet whenever your schedule and his allows. Give me call [sic] so I can fill you in on at least my reasons for not replying to you until now. Best, Hunter”

“Penner offers for “John” (??) to meet with Joe Biden. RHB insinuates it would be “too dangerous for John” and Joe Biden to meet.

“Additionally, RHB states, in the call with Greg Penner, that he was approached by Nick Rohatyn (Chairman of…Rohatyn Group) as a secondary option to handle the ‘situation’.”

Until 2017, Greg Penner was on the board of Baidu for 14 years. Baidu is the dominant internet search engine company in China, with features and services are similar to those of Google and also like Google, it censors search results and other content in accordance with Chinese regulations.