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2 years

Here’s the latest from Greg Reese.


Before recent headlines, most of us haven’t been thinking much about smallpox.

But an important timeline of events published by Corey’s Digs show us how the same foundations, corporations and NGOs responsible for COVID-19 have been very busy with smallpox.ince June of 2001, when the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Johns Hopkins and Anser, who was awarded the majority of the money for Operation Warp Speed simulated a smallpox attack on US citizens, named “Dark Winter” and begin preparing for a smallpox attack.

In September of 2007, the FDA licensed a new, modern smallpox vaccine made by Sanofi-Pasteur.

In 2014, six vials of smallpox are found in a cardboard box at the NIH and transferred to the CDC.

Months later, the first anti-viral drug used to treat smallpox was created, funded by Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust.

On October 6th 2017, Emergent BioSolutions, responsible for a vaccine that injured over 300,000 soldiers acquired the smallpox vaccine contract from Sanofi-Pasteur.

In July of 2018, the FDA approves a drug for smallpox made by SIGA Technologies, who signs a contract to maintain a stockpile of 1.7 million doses of their antiviral drug.

September 3rd, 2019, Emergent BioSolutions is awarded $2 billion to deliver their smallpox vaccine into the national stockpile.

Weeks later, one of only two labs in the world known to store live samples of the variola virus that causes smallpox suffers an explosion and the FDA approves a vaccine to prevent both smallpox and monkeypox.

In March of 2021, Merck secures over $300 million from the Biden administration and the Bill Gates Foundation to convert, upgrade and equip their facilities.

In June of 2021, the FDA approves the antiviral treatment for smallpox, which was funded by Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust in 2014.

In July, Oxford University assists SIGA in expanding use of their monkeypox drugs into the Central African Republic.

On Halloween, Joe Biden signs an Executive Order to exercise authority over the National Defense Stockpile.

Weeks later, Bill Gates warns governments of a smallpox terror attack.

7 days after that, several vials of smallpox are incidentally discovered at the Merck facility in Pennsylvania.

The very next day, a rare case of monkeypox is discovered in Maryland.